Friday, March 22, 2013


What the hell was that called Techopreneurship?
Among young people today may still not familiar with technopreneurship
The word Technopreneurship itself is taken from a combination of two words, namely Technology and entrepreneurship,
Already very familiar and much-publicized tentangTechnopreneurship (Technology Entrepreneurship) in both media mapun various agencies such as the Bogor Agricultural University campus. International is also being developed, visible from several universities began developing it as a study program as well as the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Technology is a performance-how that is done by man to alter nature in an effort to meet their needs.
Technology is a performance-ways or methods to cultivate something that happens time and cost efficiency, so it can produce more of very. Fundamentals of technology creation are: market needs, solutions to these problems, various scientific applications, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of production, and modernization.
Become a technopreneur
        I think there are some things that need to be done and understood by someone to be technopreneur include:
 Learning from the experience of the actors technopreneurship
 Exploring ideas
 soft skills and mindset needed by technopreneur
 Idea Validation and Opportunity Assessment
 Product Development Technology
 Intellectual Property Rights
 Market Analysis
 Business Model
 Preparation of Business Plan
 Finance
 Preparation of Marketing Plan and Marketing Plan

            Entrepreneurship is the process of organizing and managing the risk of a new business. An entrepreneur doing the following:
a. Identify and evaluate market opportunities.
b. Finding solutions needed (money, people, and tools) to run a business.
c. Obtaining the necessary resources (money, people, and tools) to run a business.
d. Resource management from an early stage (start-up) to the last phase (survival) and the phase of development (expansion).
e. Managing risks associated with the business.
            So there are two important points to be considered in Tecnopreneuship that defines the research and commercialization. Pnelitian oriented science discoveries and additions. Commercialization can be defined as the transfer of research results or technologies, namely: licensing, partnering, or sell it to those who will mengkomersialkannya.
Between regular Technopreneurship and Entrepreneurship
There is a difference between entrepreneurship biasadanTechnopreneurship (Technology Entrepreneurship). Technopreneurship (Technology Entrepreneurship) must succeed on two tasks namely: ensuring that the technology works according to the needs of target customers, and the technology can be sold at a profit (profit). Entrepreneurship is generally used only with the latter, which is selling at a profit.
Invention, Innovation, and Technopreneur
Technopreneurship source of invention and innovation. Invention is a new invention that aims to simplify life. Innovation is the process of adoption of a discovery by the market mechanism. Invention and innovation are two types, namely:
• Invention and innovation of products
• Invention and innovation process
The role of the community Technopreneurship
      Invention and innovation are generated, and technopreneurshiptidak only useful in the development of major industries and sophisticated. Technopreneurship also be directed to provide benefits to people who have a weak economy and the ability to improve their quality of life.
      Technopreneurship can benefit both economically, socially, and environmentally. Economic impacts are:
a. Improve efficiency and productivity.
b. Increase revenue.
c. Create new jobs.
d. Moving sectors of the economy.
Social benefits in terms of them are able to form a new culture more productive, and berkontrbusi in providing solutions to the solution of problems in terms of environmental sosial.Manfaat include:
a. Using raw materials from natural resources Indonesiasecara more productive.
b. Increasing efficient use of resources, especially energy resources.
There are several areas of invention and innovation that can be prioritized to provide benefits to low-income communities consisting of: water, energy, health, agriculture, and biodiversity (water, energy, health, agriculture, and biodiversity).
Suparno. O et al, (2008), Technopreneurship, Bogor: Recognition and mentoring program Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB RAMP)
- Http://


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