Thursday, March 21, 2013

Introduction of E_Commerce

Electronic commerce began in the early 1970s, at the time the application level is still limited to well-known corporations, institutions, and organizations bisnis.pada sort of innovation as it appeared electronic fund transfer (EFT). With the commercialization of the Internet in the early 1990s , as well as the rapid growth reaching up to thousands and even millions of potential customers, therefore it is emerging electronic commerce (ecommerce). ecommerce research center in texas university who studied approximately 2000 internet companies, the sector is the fastest growing ecommerce. In 2002 the largest income is a trillion dollars in the can from the internet.
The definition of e-commerce itself is: a new concept described as prodses bias in selling goods or services on the world wide web internet (shim, qureshi, Siegel, Siegel, 2000), or the process of buying and selling (products, services and informsi) through information networks internet termsuk (turban, lee, king, chung, 2000)
The definition of e-commerce that in view of the prospective business is a leading technology applications and workflow automation company transactions.
The use of e-commerce system itself that is using the internet, so the use in doing online, as for the sale and purchase or payment transaction processing pembayaranya.proses do with online and offline.
ECommerce Applications melputi several areas, namely stocks, employment, financial services, customer service, insurance, mall, online marketing and advertising, auctions, travel, hardware and PC software, entertainment, books, clothing, retail, and online pubilkasi.
As for some of the best e-commerce applications in the world are:
In the field of e-commerce applications share occupied by the website (
 In the field of e-commerce applications work occupied by the website (
In financial applications bidangpelayanan occupied by ecommerce website (
In the insurance field occupied by the application of e-commerce website (
In the field of retail and ecommerce applications mall occupied by a website (
In the field of e-commerce applications were occupied by travel website (
In the field of ecommerce app auctions held by the website (
In bidangpemasaran da advertising ecommerce applications occupied by the website (
Classification ecommerce:
1. Business to business (B2B): transactions undertaken between organizations in elektorni market.contoh (wal-mart by warner-lambert).
2. Business to consumer (B2C): retail transactions with buyers perorangan.contoh (cisco, dell, etc).
3. Consumer to consumer (C2C): transaction is done directly by the seller to pembeli.contoh (
4. Consumer to business (C2B): transaction sale of products or services are made individually to the organization.
5. Not business ecommerce: transaction was conducted by the essence of the business is not as academic institutions, religious organizations, and organizations sosial.contoh (fix and improve services and operations on pablik).
6. Intrabusiness (organizational) e-commerce: transactions made by all the internal activities of the organization, usually run on the internet, ynag include the exchange of goods, services, or information.

Electronic marketing process:
The several steps being taken pelh the online business are:
1. Buyers using a computer to enter the market.
2. Buyers looking for a product, go to the homepage prosuk seller.
3. Buyers buy from catalogs prosuk.

Benefits can diperolehdari ecommerce:
1. Expanding the market place of the national market to the international market.
2. Lowering the cost of manufacture, processing, distribution, storage and retrieval of information ynag using paper.
3. Allows customization of products and services more expensive actually have a comparative advantage for applying.
4. Reducing the time between the capital and penerimasaan prosuk and services.
5. Support efforts reegeneering business processes.
6. Reduce the cost of telecommunication internet cheaper than VAN premises.


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