Thursday, March 28, 2013

Overview Portsentry

Overview portsentry

Programmer PortSentry (Craig H. Rowland / Psionic) is very careful in commenting source code, so that the user knows how to draft a script / program is built.

It makes PortSentry beyond its function as a "fortress", but also can be used by anyone who wants to learn about socket programming


Applications for HIDS

portsentry (Linux)

Nuke Nabber (Windows)

Snort (Linux and Windows)

Capturing FTP session

Create a snort rule in the file "ftp.conf", with the contents:

log tcp any any -> 21

Note: rule header only

Create a directory called "trial", then run the following command:

unix # snort-d-l-c try ftp.confLanjutan

Run FTP session that led to a host on the network

unix $ ftp

Connected to

220 FTP server ready.

Name: anonymous

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail

address as the password.


ftp> quit


Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID)

Programs designed to manage data security events, such as IDS, Firewall, and Network Monitoring Tools

The data is stored in a database (MySQL)

benefits of ACID

Log-log that had Become difficult to read Easily read

The data can be searched (search) and filtered According to specific criteria

Managing Large Databases Alert (Deleting and Archiving)

For certain cases can merujukalert on site security databases such as SecurityFocus, CVE, arachNIDS

Excess N-IDS

The surplus network-based:


-Able to handle the attacks that are not detected by the host-based

-The difficulty for an attacker to remove traces of live netwok use data, so that detect attacks in real-time

-Detection and response in real time

-Detection of the failed attack and attack trend

-It does not depend on the operating system.

Examples of network-based:



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