Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thank You Teacher

Since the end of the semester there coursework subjects Implementation of Human and Computer (IMK) was assigned to create a website or blog.oleh therefore I am writing this article to just want to thank the lecturer in Human-Computer Implementation (IMK) Pak Petra Mega Surya Wijaya, M.Si. Which has become the teacher for this semester and the semester before that ever taught courses in research metedeologi.

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By this I thank you very much, maybe my presence to come face to face with the father is not too much but I will remember the sciences and messages for my father run and instill in the future later.
I also did not forget to say thank you to the lecturers teaching the other at the end of the semester nin, thank you very much for the sciences, and message-kesan'nya impression.
I ask for prayers for selanjut'nya approval from all parties, because next semester I took the paper and inshaAllah soon as possible for graduation at the end of the year, Amen ...
Final words Thanks for everything ...\\ (~ o ~)//
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Saturday, May 4, 2013



Happy is a feeling that makes us happy and excited, happiness comes when we hear or see other people and talk about the good exalt us and when we got either a gift or gifts from others to kita.kebaikan who come to us would make us happy , itself a happy lot artinya.kebahagiaan no size by any one and even then with treasures melimpah.karena happiness can not be measured by harta.kebahagiaan sometimes come suddenly can not be invited by us and the lain.namun sometimes happiness we can make it alone, but in the sense of happiness that fabricated it certainly is happiness semu.karena true happiness is absolute kebahagaiaan come by itself.
When we give something to others that makes other people happy of course it will bring a deep sense of joyous hearts we give kita.pemberian sometimes not worth the happiness that we terima.kadang when we give something small and get the happiness that it would amount to we, of course, it's a very satisfying thing we can not even be spoken with words.
Happiness comes when it first came willingness, there is no happiness without sadness, this life will be more beautiful when the sadness and happiness in life kita.namun balanced happiness which we feel will sometimes envy people lain.ketidak pleasure to invite others to see others happy because they do not feel what we rasakan.namun happiness we sometimes will bring happiness to others juga.alangkah noble person when sharing happiness to any small item to another person that we give to others to make them happy it is mulia.ketika us met, passed or see people smile at us with a smile lihat.karena we can give happiness to others.
Might get here first guys, wait the next post ok, ...
Thank you for reading previous articles ini.mohon suggestions and criticisms.
