Thursday, March 28, 2013

Overview Portsentry

Overview portsentry

Programmer PortSentry (Craig H. Rowland / Psionic) is very careful in commenting source code, so that the user knows how to draft a script / program is built.

It makes PortSentry beyond its function as a "fortress", but also can be used by anyone who wants to learn about socket programming


Applications for HIDS

portsentry (Linux)

Nuke Nabber (Windows)

Snort (Linux and Windows)

Capturing FTP session

Create a snort rule in the file "ftp.conf", with the contents:

log tcp any any -> 21

Note: rule header only

Create a directory called "trial", then run the following command:

unix # snort-d-l-c try ftp.confLanjutan

Run FTP session that led to a host on the network

unix $ ftp

Connected to

220 FTP server ready.

Name: anonymous

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail

address as the password.


ftp> quit


Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID)

Programs designed to manage data security events, such as IDS, Firewall, and Network Monitoring Tools

The data is stored in a database (MySQL)

benefits of ACID

Log-log that had Become difficult to read Easily read

The data can be searched (search) and filtered According to specific criteria

Managing Large Databases Alert (Deleting and Archiving)

For certain cases can merujukalert on site security databases such as SecurityFocus, CVE, arachNIDS

Excess N-IDS

The surplus network-based:


-Able to handle the attacks that are not detected by the host-based

-The difficulty for an attacker to remove traces of live netwok use data, so that detect attacks in real-time

-Detection and response in real time

-Detection of the failed attack and attack trend

-It does not depend on the operating system.

Examples of network-based:


GSM and CDMA comparison.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) and,
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access).

(Brief information about CDMA)

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) World War 2 Foundation:CDMA emerged commercially in the mid 1990s. But it has its roots in the World War, the pre 2 Americans. In 1940 Heddy Lamarr, hollywood actress turns inventor and George Antheil was co invertor. In World War 2 both send a signal. The signals are sent over multiple radio frequencies using a random pattern. Inventor turns trial into execution in the form of technology. U.S. Navy dumped their work. The idea of ​​the so-called frequency hopping and later named as frequency hopping spread spectrum FHSS technology ie. They use it as secure communications. Later it became an important part of the government's security technologies. The U.S. Army in the mid-80s explained it is now used as the CDMA technology. This technique is completely based on spread spectrum technology. Soldiers immediately got the idea of ​​the wireless industry.
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), which works as it digitized some conversation and then attach a code known only to the sender and penerima.Setelah attach code signals are then converted into bits and then re-assemble them. Military like CDMA only because the signal code. It produces secure transmission. The first company which patented CDMA Qualcomm and other telecommunications companies interested in the technology. This allows many simultaneous conversations. Transmission is engaged in analog and digital form. In 1991 CDMA tested commercially. First launched in Hong Kong in 1995 commercially. It is currently used by major cellular carriers in the United States and the brains of the Personal Communication System SPCS is Sprint. Other major users of CDMA isversion and GTE.The advantages of CDMA are as follows:Simultaneous conversations.From a security standpoint is safe and sound.Improved efficiency.

Small mobile

Low power requirements and are not required by the operator, cell-to-cell co ordination.Within the reach of all people especially the rural areas.Disadvantages of CDMA are as follows: -CDMA is new so the network is not good. Still making their networks.CDMA does not offer international roaming.Just because monopoly flaws unknown to the technique.(Brief information about GSM)

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication):Qualcomm is a major competitive. Now handled by GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication). In Europe, especially in Western Europe people use GSM. The time evolution of the poorly kept single global wireless standard. In 1995, CDMA was introduced in Hong Kong. Then europeon wireless carriers and manufacturers selected to support the technology first available Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). TDMA is used by GSM as a core technology keras.thats why most users of GSM in Europe and Asia. GSM Technology is the engineering world wide. Manufacturer of mobile companies are divided into many categories such as motorola, luminous & CDMA and Nextel select nokia and sony ericsson company is the dominant player and real than GSM. GSM is a cellular technology.Advantages of GSM is as follows:

GSM is used worldwide by more than 450 million existing customers.International roaming allows users to use the same phone in all of Western Europe. CDMA will work in Asia not only in France, Germany, Britain and other European places.GSM started in the mid-80s. So the network is more robust to many other features.Engineers put all their efforts in improving the GSM and create preference.It has a subscriber identity module. This is a smart card and provide secure data with GSM M commerce.Disadvantages of GSM is as follows: -Lack of access to start developing the American market.

Kinds of CMS (Content Management System)

CMS (Content Management System) is a system in which the website is for those who lay about the world of web design. User Friendly, maybe that's the word that can be used to represent those who want to create a website with ease, where the steps can be done easily. Here is a collection / CMS choice you can make comparisons.


Word Press (WP)


CMSMS (CMS Made Simple) # package-1




eZ Publish


AdaptCMS Lite

Aqua CMS


ANS (AchedyNewsSystem)

After we discuss what is going sedidkt CMS now we study some existing CMS.

Some CMS are:

- Joomla (
- Mambo (
- WordPres (
- PHP - Nuke (
- Drupal (
- AuraCMS (

Above ne various CMS are frequently used. There is also a khudsus CMS in use in the field of E-commerce, such as:

- Oscommerc ( provide all facilities stsndar e-commerce
- Prestashop ( online store services.
- Magentho (

Some CMS usability:

- Rework website
- forums
- E-commer

--> -->

Monday, March 25, 2013




Art and knowledge to formulate, implement, and evaluate cross-functional decisions that make the organization reach its goals.
(Fred R.David)
The focus: combining / integrating management, marketing, finance, accounting, production / operations, R & D, and management information systems to achieve organizational success (competitive and make a profit on the average)
Target Organization / Company
(Prof. DR. Purnomo Sidhi HS)
Sales volume (number of goods / services sold in a unit of time)
Income / revenue (how much money is generated from the incoming sales volume times the price set)
Income / profit (how much profit is obtained, which is derived from revenues minus costs)


STRATEGY FORMULATION: mission, value (value), and vision; SWOT analysis; long-term goals; alternative strategies
IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY: annual goals; programs and policies; leadership and motivation; allocation of resources
EVALUATION STRATEGY: measuring achievement; necessary corrective action



Helping organizations to be proactive rather than reactive
Helps organizations make better strategy, using a more systematic, logical, and rational
Assist the organization and management to determine the direction and goals more clearly
Assisting organizations in improving coordination and empowerment
Assist organizations in developing mutual understanding and commitment of the individual
Evolutionary Development Model in Software Engineering

This evolutionary development model based on the initial implementation will result in the user comments, so it can be repaired through many versions until an adequate system can be developed. In addition to having separate activities, this model provides feedback to cepatdan simultaneously.There are 2 types in the evolutionary development model:

• evolutionary programming

of this type, the goal is to work with consumers to produce and deliver the needs of end systems to the user / consumer. Development begins with the parts of the system are understood. The system was developed through the addition of appropriate features proposed by the consumer.

• modeling

the second type, the goal of the process is knowing customer needs and develop a better definition of requirements for the system. Models or examples of research focused on the parts of consumers' needs are poorly understood.Important evolutionary programming when it is difficult to make the specification of the system in detail. Some people may agree that all systems fall into this type. However, evolutionary programming is widely used in the development of intelligence systems buatanyang emulate human ability.We can not possibly make a detailed specification for software that rival humans because we do not understand how people carry out their tasks.Evolutionary approach is usually more effective than a waterfall approach to software development that it should immediately be able to meet the needs of consumers. However, in terms of technique and management, this method has a fundamental problem, namely:

• The process is not visible

manager-manager requires "deliverables" that regularly to measure progress. If dikemangkan system will quickly be a waste on making each version of the document that describes the system.• Sisem-systems are typically less structuredThe trend of continuous change will reduce the structure of the software. The evolution of software seem difficult and expensive.

• special skills are rarely held

It is unclear boundaries of normal skill in software engineering that may be effectively used in the model development. Most of the systems developed in this way has been implemented by a small group who have high skills and strong motivation.To solve these problems, sometimes the goal of evolutionary development is developing a system instance. This example is used to understand and menvalidasikan system specifications. This is where the evolutionary development is part of some larger process (such as the waterfall model).Due to these problems, large-scale systems are usually not developed through this model.

Evolutionary development of more appropriate for:

• Development of a relatively small system. The problems of the existing system changes avoided by re-implementing the entire system whenever a significant change is needed. If modeling is used, not too expensive.• Development of a system that has a relatively short masahidup. Here, the system was developed to support some of the activities that are restricted by time. For example, a system may be developed specifically for the launch of new products. Development of the system or parts of large systems which do not allow to express the specification in detail. For example, AI systems and user interfaces.

Resources and Reading material:Dharwiyanti, Sri (2003), Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language (UML),
Kristianto, Adi (2003), Design of Information Systems and Application, Media Gava Yogyakarta
Wijana, Katon (1997), Module Software Engineering, Universitas Kristen Duta Yogyakarta Discourse



MISSION: reason for the organization's existence
VALUE: what can and can not do
VISION: results in the desired future
DESTINATION STATEMENT: specific goals to be achieved in 3-5 years
STRATEGY: how the mission, vision, and destination statements will be realized

To ensure unanimity of purpose company
As a basic / standard allocation of corporate resources
To set the climate and culture of the company
To function as a central point for individuals within aligning itself with the purpose and direction of the company
To facilitate the translation of objectives into individual tasks within the division and group
To facilitate the assessment and control of cost, time and performance

Mission and Vision builds on the core values
Mission & Vision needs elaborating organizational goals
Mission & Vision should include a brief overview of what was done by the organization to achieve its objectives
Vision & mission to formulate a common target

To produce LNG is safe, reliable, and efficient, in harmony with the environment, emphasizing the importance of human resources, enhance national economic growth and maximize stakeholder satisfaction.

To be the best in the world LNG Producer
PT Badak NGL is the best LNG producer in the world, directly contributes to the fulfillment of clean energy to improve the quality of hidup.Pertemuan III

What is Internal & External Analysis
Internal analysis: the study or the study of the strengths / advantages and weaknesses / disadvantages that a company
External analysis: the study or the study of the opportunities / opportunities and threats / barriers owned by a company in its business.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


What is IDS?
ids = (instruction detection systems)
• A system to detect the presence of "intrusion" by the "intruder"
• Sounds like the alarm / camera

• Intrusion
-An action that aimed to disrupt the security policy, such as:
• Integrity, confidentiality, or availability, of computers and networks
-Activities are anomalies, incorrect, Inappropriate
-Can occur in the network or in the host
• Intrusion detection
-A process to identify and respond to intrusion activity

excess IDS
1. Monitoring and analysis of system and user prolaku
2. Tests on the system security configuration
3. Provide a reference implementation of the security system
4. Handling an attack against a known pattern
5. Handling of abnormal activity patterns
limitations of IDS
1. Less quickly recognized the attack on the segments that have great traffic and processor load large
2. Unable to identify a new technique that is not in the data base on the pattern of the attack held
3. Not able to work effectively on a network switch-hubs mempergunkaan

Strategy and tactics of computer security
1. physical Security
2. computer lock
3. Security bios
4. Safety boot loader
5. Xlock and vlock
• xlock: X display lock on linux
• vlock: a small program to lock some or all of the virtual consoles
6. Detecting disorder physical security

10 herbs and fruits are nutritious


many kinds of plants and fruits that exist in this duia very nutritious for human health, many of us are not consciously aware ayng fruit or vegetable we eat turns out to contain a healthy body. therefore here I will review some plants and fruits are very nutritious;


Benefits of Turmeric Medicinal Plants. Turmeric is a form of shrubs and herbs is an annual (perennial) spread throughout the tropics. Plants grow lush and wild turmeric around the forest / former gardens. Thought to originate from the twinkle in the height of 1300-1600 m above sea level, there is also a saying that turmeric comes from India. In Java, turmeric is widely used as a medicinal herb for soothing nutritious, cleaning, drying, relieves itching, and tingling cure. The main benefits of turmeric plants, namely: as a traditional medicine, herbal medicine and industrial raw materials, cosmetic ingredients seasoning, ranch, etc.. Besides turmeric rhizome plant is also useful as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, preventing cancer, anti-tumor, and lower levels of blood fats and cholesterol, as well as a blood purifier.

Bulbs ginger oleoresin contains compounds known as gingerols which acts as an antioxidant. The nature is what makes ginger touted antiaging useful as bioactive components. Ginger bioactive components may serve to protect the fat / membranes from oxidation, inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol, and boost immunity. Various benefits of ginger are traditionally well known is as follows: Cold Remedy: Take the old ginger thumb, washed and crushed and boiled with two cups of water, add brown sugar to taste. Simmer approximately 1/4 hours. Lift and drink warm. Headache or migraine (migraine) Remedy: Take the Seibu finger ginger, roasted and crushed. Brewed with a glass of water and give a little sugar, drink once. Drink three times a day. Preventing motion sickness Remedy: Take the Seibu finger ginger, washed and thinly sliced, then boiled with a glass of water. Warm drink before boarding the vehicle. Sprains Remedy: Take ginger approximately two segments. Rinse and then shredded, add a little salt. Apply this mixture on a sprained limbs. Do it twice a day.


Garlic (Allium sativum) is a herbaceous annuals berumpun having a height of about 60 cm. This plant is widely grown in the fields in the mountainous area gets enough sunlight. Pseudo-stem and the stem is green. Bersiung bottom-cloves, joining a large white bulbs. Each leather-wrapped cloves sliced ​​thin and if it smells very sharp. Ribbon-shaped leaves (flat elongated), edge, pointed tip, grooved, length 60 cm and width 1.5 cm. Fibrous roots. The flowers are white, long-stemmed and umbrella shape. Garlic can be used for alternative medicine as follows: a. Garlic Flu and Cough. Sulfur contained in garlic makes it have a distinctive odor and taste that can enhance and accelerate the activities of mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, which helps relieve compression and mucus. Raw garlic contains phytochemicals that may help kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease. How do I use it? Eat as much garlic as soon as you feel pain or add garlic to the dish. You can also make a cough medicine with this recipe: Mash garlic and input into the cold milk in a saucepan, then heat about 1-2 minutes, and drink warm. b. Garlic and Cholesterol Now there are more than 12 studies published around the world to ensure that the garlic in various forms can reduce cholesterol. Therefore, it can be concluded that garlic can cure high blood pressure, heart disease. One study published in "The Journal of The Royal College of Physicians" by CS Silagy and Neil HAW 1994 mentioned that garlic is an agent for reducing fat. The author states that garlic supplements is the most important part in the healing of high cholesterol. According to him, on the whole, a decrease of 12% of the total cholesterol. This decrease occurred after 4 weeks perawata c. Garlic and Onions Cancer also has content for fighting cancer, particularly cancer of the stomach and colon. Organosulfida contained in garlic helps the liver to process toxic chemicals, including cancer-causing chemical that several epidemiological studies show that people who consume lots of garlic lower risk of stomach cancer and colon. To ensure that you get maximum results, researchers from Penn State Unipersity recommend to let the first piece or collision onions for at least 10 minutes, giving time that onions form the contents that help fight cancer.

4. Avocado

Avocados are rich in vitamin A and carotene which is good. Likewise, the minerals potassium and low in sodium. Reportedly, foods high levels of potassium and low sodium is a healthy food to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. According to Dr. Samuel Oetoro, SpGK, a nutritionist from Semanggi Specialist Clinic, people with diabetes are advised to eat an avocado. Avocados can also be used for beauty, for example, cope with cracked heels or dry skin by blended and used as a mask. Pieces of fruit avocado sliced ​​thinly like plates can also be used to treat tired and puffy eyes. Meanwhile, mashed avocado mixed with lemon and can be used as penghitam hair. The trick, which has been refined avocado was smeared on the hair, and then covered with a shower cap for an hour. After that wash with shampoo. With a variety of properties owned this delicious fruit, I think we need to get used to incorporate this fruit to your diet daily, either as juice, salad, and fresh drinks.
5. Broccoli

amount of vitamin C in broccoli is greater than the calcium content of broccoli juice is also larger than a glass of milk, and broccoli are also known to contain more fiber than a slice of whole wheat bread is very easy to consume way, can be eaten raw, sauteed, blended as one ingredient soup or steamed vegetables. Improve brain power Researchers from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society to prove that broccoli contains compounds similar to Alzheimer's disease drugs. Alzheimer's is a form of dementia (memory loss) is the most common among the elderly are caused by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Broccoli is considered to have anti-acetylcholinesterase strongest.


Cloves are dried flower buds of the clove tree generated, clove trees grow in tropical areas, Indonesia is known as one of the producers of cloves. Many crops produced in the Moluccas. Clove today mostly utilized for flavoring food while utilization for health has been known for centuries. In China cloves are used to eliminate bad breath over 2000 years ago, at that time the Emperor to suggest if people want to see him have to chew cloves in advance so that when the talk will smell fragrant. Even cloves in China and Persia are also thought to stimulate sexual pitalitas. Cloves are very strong efficacious drug because it can stimulate. Anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-septic. Once processed into Clove oil can be used for pain relief for toothache sufferers because the content of the compounds contained therein can help blood circulation and stimulates the skin when applied directly to the skin. Herewith informed several benefits Clove for treatment, including:
 • Stimulate aromatic breathing: Used to treat nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, fatigue and indigestion. Clove oil can also be used as a powerful antiseptic and wound healer and can relieve throat. Cloves are used as a real drug used to protect them from colds and flatulence. Helps stimulate blood circulation and regulate body temperature.
• Indigestion: Clove can stimulate the production of enzymatic and improve digestive functioning. Cloves are used in addressing permasalahn stomach, abdominal pain and digestive problems. As for how pembuatanya drug used to treat vomiting, abdominal pain and throat is to soften cloves and mixed with honey then dimimum.
• Cholera: Cloves are very powerful to cope with cholera because it can strengthen the stomach and intestinal mucus and increase the number of white blood cells, as for how to take 4 grams of clove bud and 3 cups of water and boiled until it becomes half.
• Asthma: For treatment of asthma medication how to take 6 petals cloves 30 ml of water and mixed with a little honey, do it 3 times a day.
• Toothache: To cope with toothache how to use 10 grains of cloves roast until charred. Milled until smooth, put teeth kelubang to taste, then cover with cotton. Apply 2 times a day. Another way: plug untreated cavities with cotton that has been soaked clove oil.
• Ear pain: how to cope with a dab of clove oil to the ear ache using katembat.
 • Headaches: To address how the mixing headache cloves, salt and milk, because of the nature of the salt to absorb fluids and lowers blood pressure.
• Blood Circulation: Clove oil beneficial to increase your metabolism, increasing blood circulation will lower your body temperature.


Pomegranates are rich in antioxidant polyphenols, such as tannins and anthocyanins. Medical studies have shown that patients who consumed pomegranate juice every day can feel a variety of benefits, which decreased cholesterol levels, obtain more vitamin C, and increases blood flow to the heart. This means that pomegranate juice is also effective to keep the heart to stay healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. For drinks, pomegranate juice can prevent and slow the effects of Alzheimer's disease, lower blood pressure, keep the arteries are not clogged by the buildup of plaque, preventing cartilage damage, and maintaining dental health

8. Guava

Curable Disease: Diabetes mellitus, gastritis, diarrhea (upset stomach), Cold, Beser; Prolapsisani, Thrush, Skin Hospital, a new wound; Utilization: 1. Diabetes Mellitus Ingredients: 1 piece of guava half masakCara make: guava fruit cut into four pieces and boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered water untukdiambil. How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and evening 2. Ulcer Ingredients: 8 pieces of guava leaves are still fresh. Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling, then filtered to take water. How to use: drink 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and evening. 3. Abdominal Pain (Diarrhoea and Diarrhoea) Ingredients: 5 pieces of guava leaves, 1 piece of root, bark and stems Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and then filtered to take water How to use: drink 2 times a day morning and evening. 4. Stomach ache or diarrhea in infants who are breast-feeding Ingredients: young guava and salt secukupnya.Cara use: chewed by mothers who breastfeed their babies, the water is swallowed and the waste is disposed. 5. Sign Wind Ingredients: 10 pieces of guava leaves are still young, 1 whole red pepper, 3 eye sour fruit, 1 slice of coconut sugar, salt to taste How to make: all the ingredients are boiled together with 1 liter of water until boiling and then filtered to take water. How to use: drink 2 times a day. 6. Beser (frequent urination) redundant Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves are still young, 3 tablespoons powdered rice fried without oil (couple = Java.) How to make: two ingredients are boiled together with 2.5 cups water to boil down to 1 glass then disaring.Cara use: drink every 3 hours once 3 tablespoons.

9. Lemon

Orange juice has many benefits. Besides being a refreshing drink, a fruit that has been consumed for thousands of years also can prevent temptation to cure various diseases. Indeed, there were so many oranges, including tangerines, sweet oranges, grapefruit, lemon, orange sauce, lemon, mandarin oranges, and much more. However, the benefits in terms of none that matched the lime. Orange juice is a herbaceous plant with many branches. Height can reach six feet. Oval-shaped leaves and stalks. White star-shaped flowers. Woody stem is hard and usually bear fruit after 2.5 years. The fruit is round with a smooth surface, thin-skinned, and green and yellow if it is old. The plant is thought to have come from north India region. Citrus fruit juice contains a lot of water and vitamin C are high. Leaves, fruits, and flowers, oil containing fly limonin and linalool. Normally lime grows well in lowland areas much sun. People in the Netherlands, especially who live in big cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague, and Rotterdam, have known the benefits of orange juice from a few centuries ago. Similarly, people in the United States. They began to recognize the benefits of lemon juice since ancient Indian times. Ohio State Biotechnology Center in the city of Columbus, Ohio, USA, has done research on lime. As a result, orange juice is rich in vitamins and contains a number of minerals. Orange juice is a nutritious fresh lime, thin-skinned, and green and yellow. Besides fruits, roots, leaves, and flowers lime is often used as a medicine. According to Dr. Prapti Utami, citrus fruit juice contains some substances that are beneficial to the body, among other things, citric acid, glucose, fats, essential oils, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and amino acids. "The amount of content contained in the lemon juice to make fruit is widely used as a medicine, Essential oils of lime leaf can inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus (the bacteria on the skin). Lemon juice can be used as a mouthwash on tenggotokan pain sufferers. Fragrance makes delicious, savory when we rinse. His skin, when held in the mouth, can scent or reduce mouth odor and resolve inflammation because it contains acids that can kill germs. Due to various kandungnan oils and substances in it, lemon is also used to overcome dysentery, constipation, constipation, irregular menstruation, diphtheria, acne, dizziness or vertigo, hoarseness, cough, body odor, increase appetite, prevent hair loss, dandruff, flu, fever, too fat, tonsils, Anyang-anyangan disease (painful urination), nosebleeds, and inflammation of the nose.

10. Mangosteen

BENEFIT PLANT mangosteen fruit can be presented in the form of fresh, as canned fruit, made syrup / juice. Traditionally mangosteen is a cure ulcers, hemorrhoids and wounds. The rind is used as dyes for textiles including water boiled and used as traditional medicine. The trunk is used as a building material, firewood / crafts.

Internet Wiretapping

E-mail Risks
• Attacks on e-mails focus on:
- Delivery and execution of malicious code (malcode)
• Basic e-mail only ASCII text that can not be directly executed
• malcode attacks (viruses etc.) Can be done using the e-mail attachment
• Collaboration tools (like Microsoft Outlook) can directly run malcode antecedent pd attach an e-mail
-Leakage of sensitive information that
-E-mail is sent clear text sbgai

Tapping email - confidentiality problem
• E-mail like a postcard (postcard) that can be read by anyone. Open.
• Email sent by the MTA to "post office" to be forwarded to the nearest "post office" next. Hopping. Until finally at the destination.
• Potential intercepts can occur at any point of the pass.

Protection against eavesdropping
• Use encryption to scramble the contents of the letter
• Examples of protection: PGP, PEM

Fake Email
• Easily create fake email headers to make your own.
• fake email is then sent via MTA or directly via SMTP
• Activities recorded in the server log file

Pretty Good Privacy: Hybrid Encryption System
• PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is an encryption program that has a fairly high level of security by using "private-public key" as the basis autentifikasinya.
• PGP program created by Phill Zimmermannini have 2 versions of the "USA version" and the "International version"

Pretty Good Privacy: Hybrid Encryption System
• PGP USA version can only be used in the USA and by the citizens of the USA alone
• USA's version of the RSA algorithm (which has been a patent) in the encryption.
• International Version MPILIByang algorithm specially created by Phil Zimmermann himself.

The concept of PGP
• PGP uses "private-public keys" as the basis for authorization
• Each time you create a key, PGP will create two keys (a pair) that is
 • Private keyadalah key known only to ourselves.
• Public key keyadalah we tell people that we trust.
• The public key is used as the basis pengenkripsian process documents that can only be opened by someone who has the private key corresponding

The concept of PGP
• Message in a symmetric encryption, the password is the session key (random)
• Session key is encrypted by asymmetric
• Both combined and shipped together

PGP implementation examples
• Adi has 2 key is the key of A (consisting of a private key and a public key A) and key B (consisting of private key and public key B B). Later, Hanna will send a confidential e-mail to Adi. Hanna has obtained the public key of B Adi himself. After that, Hanna running the program PGP to encrypt e-mails that will be sent to Adi using public key B. When Adi receive e-mail from Hanna, he uses PGP program for decryption. PGP will ask the private key corresponding to the private key B. So, Adi can only decrypt the e-mail by using the private key B alone.

Tattoo Art

For tattoo artists, tattooing and tattoo by needle and fecal matter that is common and familiar to them.And for those who want and are willing to beginners or those who want tattooing his body with a tattoo may be biased to think of it, while if you was determined to tattooing your body with a tattoo alangklah better if you read and learn the ins and outs first tattoo if it sendiri.karena
Painting a tattoo on his body without a basic knowledge of body art, the bias so dangerous and fatal to the nature anda.karena body tattoo that will stick in your body for life.
Therefore I would like to give you some basic knowledge tattoo was as follows:

Side effects for the body

Side effects that may arise from tattooing is a risk of infection, such as the use of non-sterile needles or content of harmful substances from the ink used. Some began to fall victim to viral infection Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Tattoo ink is generally made of a suspension of particles that are soluble in water such as mercury, cadmium, lead and iron are injected under the skin to form an image using a needle. The risk of infection can also occur when making tattoos because the ink used to contain harmful substances.

According; Prof Helen Suh MacIntosh, an expert in environmental health from Harvard University said some diseases that can be generated from non-sterile tattooing process are:

1. AIDS HIV infection
2. Hepatitis B or C
3. TBC
4. Mycobacterium
5. Syphilis
6. Malaria
7. Leprosy.

Benefits tattoo for body

Tattooing is an art form that will stick for life in a person's body. But the art of tattooing the body is sometimes done in a way that is not safe and the risk of infection of disease dangerous to the body seriously. Preview positive and negative, before you or those close to you tattooed body.

The decision to get a tattoo should have well-thought, because the art form is still very difficult to remove. Removing a tattoo takes time, is expensive and can damage skin tissue. When tattooing was actually damage the tissue and cause traumatic to the skin.

Some types of red ink to make permanent tattoos do contain mercury and some contain heavy metals such as cadmium or different iron oxides.

Benefits Tattoos For Diabetes Sufferers

Tattoo - A tattoo (tattoos) is no longer a part of fashion or style but will be part of the people who have diabetes.
A research conducted by the Drapers Laboratories have found a tattoo technology that make it easier for people with diabetes control blood sugar For the tubut.
By using ink which is called Nano-Ink, colors in the tattoo will change color to yellow when sugar levels are near maximum.
This tatto technology would be more efficient, since people who have diabetes do not need to check blood sugar levels routinely with sugar checker tool, quite often see pictures tattoos imaginable, if it has changed color then stop eating foods that are too sweet.
Tattoo on Kalimantan Indonesia.

Do not be surprised if you get into the Dayak villages and meet with old people who decorated a variety of beautiful tattoo on the several parts of his body. Tattoos for the Dayak community is not just a decoration, but it has a very deep meaning.

Because tattoos for the Dayak community should not be created at will because he is a party of tradition, one's social status in society, as well as the appreciation of the ability of a person's interest.

Therefore, there are certain rules in making a good choice of tattoo pictures, social structure of a person who wears tattoos and tattoo placement.

However, in reality tattoo has the same meaning in the Dayak community, namely as a "torch" in one's journey toward natural immortality after death.

These positive and negative make a permanent tattoo as reported by Scientific American and Hubpages, Sunday (25/12/2011):

The advantage of having a permanent tattoo

1. Tattoos can express a personal, artistic or messages that are meaningful to the owner of the body.
2. There is a certain satisfaction to have something different than everyone else.
3. Tattoos can be a hallmark of a person.

Permanent tattoos owner are generally aware that the 'painting' will be attached to the skin throughout life. But there is also a regret or less satisfied, and want to remove it.

Several techniques such as removing tattoos is finally done dermabrasion (rub the outer layer of skin to peel), slice the skin, Cryotherapy (removal using liquid nitrogen temperature is below freezing), cream anti-tattoo, laser.

Losses have a permanent tattoo

1. The pain must be felt by someone as a tattoo because making appropriate use needles ink color.
2. The high costs that must be incurred to make the tattoo.
3. Are permanent so it can not be removed easily, if you want to delete it does not always work 100 percent and the price is very expensive.
4. After years of color can fade or emerging fault lines of the drawing.
5. Fashion and trends are always changing, it could be the current picture is the trend but it could be an old-fashioned next few years.
6. Maybe the tattoo will look good at the age of 20 years, but it would be unusual after the age of 50-years.
7. There is a risk of infection from any tattoos, such as unsterilized needles or ink that is used to contain harmful substances.

According to Prof Helen, metals contained in the tattoo is used on the skin has been known to cause allergic reactions, eczema, scarring, and can also cause sensitivity to mercury.

Other colors of standard tattoo ink are also derived from heavy metals (including lead, antimony, beryllium, chromium nickel, cobalt, and arsenic). Just like heavy metals in red ink, these inks can also cause skin reactions in some people.

To that end he thinks the tattoo materials must include the risk of heavy metal content, including lead, arsenic, and others as well as the many linked to cancer and birth defects.

Exposure to heavy objects that typically appear many years after a person get a tattoo. When examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for example, people can burn or sting tattoos because of heavy metals in the ink are affected by magnetic fields.

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